Our Standards
Our standards are the highest in the industry both in administration and in manufacture of our cavity closer products. We are a registered ISO 9001-2000 company and members of the chamber of commerce, Whichever product is manufactured our set standards are applied i.e. spacing of bracing, amount of bracing, corner stays, customer information and identification. All deliveries are made using unmarked transport and PODs supplied by return and we strive at every level to constantly improve both service and quality throughout the company.
All our frames are fully welded and we are able to close any cavity from 50mm – 300mm using a variety of profiles, most of which are kept in stock. In additon to the standard three sided formers, we manufacture fire rated closures, bull’s eyes, arched, church, four sided and combination frames with or without vented heads.
We have a cavity closure to cover any build type and to suit any window system. All profiles have current BBA certificates and are manufactured to the highest standard in our Tibshelf factory.
For quotations, product information or technical support please call us on 01773 590100 or email sales@subframes-uk.com